
How To Get House Paint Off Car

A man washing his car.My black car has tons of speckles of house paint on it. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until months after the fact. I'm ashamed to say that I don't wash my car that often. I have tried a rubbing compound (turtle wax) and it definitely didn't work. Any suggestions?

By Paula Jo (Guest Post)

October 31, 2006 0 found this helpful

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If all else should fail, why not brush paint your whole car. We did my fathers old work truck that way, I thought it turned out great! (And so did the neighbors!)

By Dean (Guest Post)

November 1, 2006 0 found this helpful

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The only solution is to have the car repainted or live with what you have.I used to sell products to body shops and see that problem all the time.Especially went cars passed road stripping paint crews and got that lane marking paint on their cars.Compound won't touch it.

November 1, 2006 0 found this helpful

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This is not hard to take care of if you are careful. If you have a newer car the paint is usually a clear coat finish. Some are softer than others and can be damaged so don't use buffing or rubbing compound on clear coat unless you are an expert!!

Instead try the following.
Go to a paint store or H Depot and get a bottle/can of Goof-Off.
Go to an auto store and purchase a clay bar and some detail spray. If they don't know what a clay bar is RUN.

WASH THE CAR use lots of water to remove ALL surface dust and grime. If you use Dawn dish soap in the water (make a strong mix) you can get a lot of stuff off, (including your current wax coats). Don't use force just cleaning surface dirt and loose stuff with the wash. Don't pick at the paint blotches!

Rinse and dry the car--use lots of water to rinse.

Use the goof-off very sparingly with a very soft cloth or Q-tip to remove the BIG blotches. Work slowly, don't use pressure. Clean the spot as much as possible and then do a little more until you have removed the majority of the blotch. You will see how this works when you do it--remember be careful and deliberate do not rush.

Do all the spots that you can using this method.

Next spray an area with detail spray to get it WET. Use the clay bar in straight back a forth moves to remove the remaining paint blotches. Do not go in circles and DO NOT push hard. Treat the paint with care, you don't need force. you need time. Gently dry the area with a soft towel (USA made cotton bath towel or microfiber towel don't use foreign made cotton). IF spots remain, repeat the clay on that area until clear. Repeat as needed over the entire body until car is spot free. If you clay bar the entire car your paint will be very clean and ready for a new coat of wax. It will also look like a new paint job cause the clay takes away most surface crap that has attached to you car's finish.

Next WASH the car again don't skip this wash. Dry the car and then wax the paint to protect.
You will not need to work hard to put on wax just get GOOD wax like Meguiars or similar, easy on easy off.

Remove wax with cotton or microfiber towels. Remove in straight lines not in circles.
Go in the house, get camera, take picture, take picture to work and show friends.

By Timmy S Edgar (Guest Post)

November 2, 2007 0 found this helpful

Best Answer

I am a professional painter from Australia, in my experience with acrylic (water) based house paint the best product that can be used to remove such paint is metholated spirits this is what we use to remove roller overspray from floors or benchtops

How To Get House Paint Off Car


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